Our Approach

Our Approach

The Climate Leadership Council is here to promote the most effective climate change solutions. Here’s how:

Big tent. We work with a broad coalition of environmentalists, businesses, economists, scientists, student leaders, Republicans, and Democrats towards a climate breakthrough while seeking out the perspectives of all stakeholders.

Climate ambition. We’re focused on slashing greenhouse gas emissions in the quickest, fairest, and most politically viable ways possible. As we recruit new allies to the cause, we never lose sight of this goal.

Recognizing people. Climate policies can only succeed if they first consider the impact on all Americans, especially middle- and low-income families. Our carbon dividends plan will put American families first as we transition to a net-zero future.

Real. We’ve developed our carbon dividends plan with an unlikely coalition of allies and backed it up with research and modeling to ensure it is workable and effective.

Bipartisan. Our carbon dividends plan is designed to rapidly lower emissions, promote American competitiveness, drive innovation, and support families. In short, it can realize major goals shared by both Republicans and Democrats.