The Climate Leadership Council’s Center for Climate & Trade


A quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions are embedded in goods that are traded internationally. Nearly all global greenhouse gas emissions growth is anticipated to come from developing countries. Capital investments of $275 trillion will be needed to meet global net zero. Yet the current trade system hinders climate progress by failing to reward efficient producers, maintain the competitiveness of industries in countries pursuing ambitious climate measures, or promote trade in lower-carbon alternatives.


If we are to succeed in addressing this global challenge, we must increasingly marry climate and trade policy. Doing so has the potential to substantially lower global emissions, create worldwide incentives for cleaner manufacturing, and compel all countries to do their part.


Addressing climate change at the necessary scale and speed will require a variety of tools and ever-greater global collaboration. The Center brings together leading experts from government, academia, industry, environment, labor, and other fields to explore a range of opportunities at the climate-trade nexus. Participants have diverse viewpoints on specific policies but are united by their sincere interest in finding effective solutions to this global challenge.

Topics the Center explores include carbon import fees (commonly referred to as BCAs or CBAMs); international cooperative agreements like carbon clubs; trade liberalization approaches to boost trade in innovative, often U.S.-made products; and other policies that promote the global adoption of low-carbon solutions. Our work is advanced through:

  • Research: The Center publishes pivotal new research and analysis exploring the environmental, economic, and political implications of climate and trade policies.
  • Convenings: The Center holds regular meetings for contributors and invited experts, in addition to hosting events and working groups as new issues and policies emerge.
  • Education: We partner with contributors to educate lawmakers on the real-world opportunities and impacts of climate and trade policies.


Center for Climate and Trade Co-Chair
Center for Climate and Trade Co-Chair
Center for Climate and Trade Co-Chair


Senior Fellow, the Atlantic Council and the Bipartisan Policy Center
Co-founder and chairman, Silverado Policy Accelerator.
Deputy director, MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research
Founding CEO, Climate Advisers
Executive director, Silverado Policy Accelerator


The following remarks were prepared for testimony given on May 23, 2024, as part of the Office of the United…

June 3, 2024
Catrina Rorke
Novel policies at the nexus of climate and trade are gaining momentum internationally. Emerging policies, from carbon import fees—a charge…

May 29, 2024
Holly Rooper
In October 2021, the U.S. and EU announced their intent to negotiate a “Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminum”…

April 25, 2024
Matthew C. Porterfield, Daniel Hoenig, Holly Rooper
The Montreal Protocol is often cited as the most influential international environmental treaty to date. This agreement, which all 197…

April 2, 2024
Holly Rooper
Momentum continues to build worldwide for the use of carbon import fees, policies that charge importers for the emissions embedded…

February 14, 2024
Daniel Hoenig
On January 18, 2024, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works advanced the bipartisan “Providing Reliable, Objective, Verifiable…

February 1, 2024
Holly Rooper
The Providing Reliable, Objective, Verifiable Emissions Intensity Act, or PROVE IT Act, directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to study…

January 30, 2024
Daniel Hoenig
This blog post will be updated as more details emerge. Climate and trade policies are gaining momentum across the world,…

January 10, 2024
Reuben Francis
The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, concluded last week in Dubai. Over the course of 13…

December 19, 2023
Catrina Rorke
The industrial sector generates more than 25% of global CO2 emissions. No climate solution can be effective without identifying and…

December 13, 2023
Catrina Rorke and Matthew C. Porterfield