Statement on International Momentum on Carbon Pricing and Border Carbon Adjustments

July 14, 2021

WASHINGTON, DC – Climate Leadership Council CEO Greg Bertelsen issued the following statement on the G20 finance ministers’ endorsement of carbon pricing and the EU’s proposal to adopt border carbon adjustments:

“This week’s announcements by the G20 finance ministers and the EU signal a turning point for the adoption of carbon pricing worldwide. Increasingly, major economies recognize that we cannot solve climate change without putting a price on carbon, and that a system of border carbon adjustments is an essential part of any politically viable carbon pricing policy.

“The U.S. faces a choice: we can act now to embrace this globally effective approach that enhances the competitiveness of American industries and compels other countries to do their part. Or we can sit idle and have other major economies seize the leadership role in establishing the new global rules around climate and trade.”

The Climate Leadership Council works with a diverse coalition of businesses, environmental, and opinion leaders whose purpose is to advance the four-part carbon dividends framework as the most cost-effective, equitable, and politically viable climate solution.